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The subject of tithes is heavily debated with each sides providing strong points for or against it.But the truth is that most honest pastors are innocently ignorant of the possibility that tithes have been abolished because there are still many scriptures both in the new & old testament that seem to suggest its still in full force and secondly the magnitude & multitudes of mega testimonies of unimaginable rewards & benefits many tithing members have recieved at one time or the other .One of the strongest points against it aside from the biblical claims of oppositions against it is that pastors loot the same tithe money of the members which point I will also address.I don't really believe tithes are still relevant today but I pay tithes all the same because:- --
1.) I'm fully persuaded that even if it be true that tithes have been done away with there's nothing good an individual knowingly or unknowingly gives to God with pure intent & a godly life that he'll not be rewarded for.Luke 6:38 --
2.)to advance the gospel:Churches like all non profit organizations are heavily cumbered with great financial needs to cather for large congregations,worldwide branches & missions.You don't need to be a pastor to know the gospel is very expensive.A single church fellowship meeting comprising all its worldwide branches gathering in their different locations or even a single crusade costs millions & most churches hold up to 2 to 3 meetings a week aside from workers meetings,night vigils & house fellowships etc. --
3.)Its obvious to me that if churches were to rely alone on the meager "kobo & penny" offerings of members the church spread & thereby gospel spread can't be achieved.My view.
So if you believe in tithe,do it as unto God with joy & if you don't believe in tithe give your offering to God in view of the needs of the gospel....
More below....

Of course The anti-tithe crusaders can as well condemn offerings cos they all serve the same purpose in a church & they both risk ending up in the pastors pockets.What about the "very few" zealous & God loving members that give offering worth more than tithe & the rare few that sell all they have & offered all.That means we should condemn them too & also condemn the church in acts 4:34-37, since they sold & gave all without fearing the pastors will "pocket" the whole lot.
The point is that every believer ought to pray & know the right place to worship.A place it is proved that the pastors officially don't touch tithes or offerings or are faithul with it e.g the deeper life church & few others whose G.O & non full time pastors are said to never get a dime of church pay.If then in the course of time the believer discovers his pastors loot tithe & offerings or they are being mismanaged he can stop paying tithes in that church or change his church.

So every war against tithes is same as a war against offerings & is the same as a war to pull down the gospel completely.There is no way mega millions of people worlwide can come to know christ today without God working through the agency of churches.Call it church or congregation,ministry,fellowship,christian gathering or whatever else,they mean the same thing & they are the BIBLICAL ORDINATION OF GOD to spread the gospel,heal the sick,deliver the oppressed,minister to the needy & hurting etc Acts 20:28,1cor.1:2,1tim.3:15.
So if pastors are doing it right or not is not the topic here.Pastors will give account of their stewardship on the last day.We cannot agree the entire humanity should be immediately destroyed at once because majority are evil same way we can't suggest all churches should cease to exist because many pastors are unfaithful.

We can't also talk about church flaws without considering their gains & efforts.In the book Revelations Jesus commended their efforts before condemning their flaws.Many faithful modern day churches have made great strides that benefit multitudes.That churches don't sound the trumpet & advertise their assistance to the mass of its members even with limited resources doesn't mean all of them are doing nothing.Whether through the GOSPEL or HEALINGS or FINANCIAL HELP to the needy etc millions have been helped but just as the govt. of any nation even with oil,taxes & mineral resources yet lack the resources to cater for all the masses,much worse is the church that only relies on tithe & offerings to cater for worldwide branches almost as large as a country for some churches.
So the criticism against churches & tithes are necessary to correct their flaws & mismanagement but should be balanced & devoid of intent to tag all pastors evil or to pull down all churches & cause them to cease to exist else we are deliberately taking sides with the devil.
Hello, my name is Olaleye Emmanuel. A part time Blogger and a Financial analyst from Nigeria. I hold a Bachelor of science and Education Degree in Economics From Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.
